16 x Hermit Crab Shells Homes Selection Various Sizes
A selection of different types of shells for Hermit Crabs.
Natural seashells that are great for offering Hermit Crabs new homes.
This is a listing for a selection of the following -
1 x Bruneus Turbo approximately 5cm
2 x Dog Conch 4 - 5cm
2 x Large Strombus Bear Conch 5 - 6 cm
2 x Strombus Urceus Bear Conch 3 - 4 cm
2 x Luhu / Strawberry Conch 4 - 5 cm
2 x Magnus Cone 4 - 5cm
1 x Murex Endiva 7 - 8 cm
1 x Vassum shell 5 - 6 cm
1 x Delphinium shell 4 - 5 cm
2 x Strombus Betatus approximately 5 - 6 cm
In my experience....
The large Strombus Urceus shells seem to be a popular choice for larger hermit crabs such as the electric blue leg hermit crab.
The Lulu/ Strawberry Conch and Magnus Cone shells are a favourite of the Halloween Hermit Crab.
The 3 - 4 cm Strombus Urceus Bear Conch are a fairly well accepted shell for smaller hermit crabs.
However, I've found that hermit crabs are quite happy to try out a variety of different shapes and sizes of shell and that's why I keep quite a large selection in my own tank.